Excessive body hair causes many complexes and frustrations. Removing hair using methods such as shaving, mechanical depilation or waxing gives short-term results, but is also expensive in the long term. Unwanted hair can be removed permanently and painlessly in our center.
What do you gain by choosing laser hair removal?
- time for yourself (long-lasting effect without the need for weekly depilation or shaving of unwanted hair).
- convenience and comfort in every situation (smooth skin at all times).
- velvety skin every day (no ingrown hairs, no inflammation, no plucking hairs with tweezers).
The neodymium-yag laser will provide you with the safest, completely painless and permanent hair removalfor any color and type of hair. It removes dark and light hair equally well, regardless of skin color. The exception is gray hair (without pigment), because the white color reflects light. The hair follicle should also not be removed because it constitutes a physiological protective barrier of the skin. The principle of operation of the Nd:YAG laser is based on both selective and homogeneous photothermolysis, therefore it combines the best features of both methods. The beam emitted by this laser has the ability to penetrate even the deepest hair follicles without causing damage to the skin. The laser wavelength used primarily affects hemoglobin, destroying the blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles. Thanks to this method, we are able to remove not only dark but also light hair. After the treatment, the hair becomes weaker, then dies and falls out after 2 to 3 weeks. The primary target of the Nd-Yag laser is not melanin (as in most existing lasers used for hair removal), but the dermal papilla, formed of tiny capillaries surrounding the hair follicle. The laser light reaches the papilla and destroys the vessels that nourish the hair bulb (follicle). If not nourished, the follicle dies - and if there is no follicle, there is no hair. The laser does not affect other blood vessels. Another very important issue is the wavelength of the Nd-Yag laser, which is 1064 nanometers (the longest ever used and sufficient to penetrate the skin to a depth of 5 to 6 mm, i.e. the depth of the hair bulbs). The laser only attacks and destroys hair in the growth phase (anagen), because only then is the follicle so richly vascularized (and only then do melanocytes produce melanin).
Why is it worth choosing laser hair removal? Shaving, waxing or chemical hair removal are commonly used and bring satisfactory, but short-lived results. Electrolysis and thermolysis (electrocoagulation) performed in professional offices are painful and require multiple treatments, and may also lead to skin scarring. After these treatments, hair continues to grow back, up to approximately 50%. The laser gives you the opportunity to quickly, and most importantly - permanently and safely remove unwanted hair for several years!
Treatments are performed on average every 4 - 6 weeks. To achieve the effect of permanent hair removal, a minimum of 6 treatments must be performed.
Therefore, in our center we use a Nd: YAG neodymium-jag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 1064nm. It is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on global markets, thanks to which it can destroy large diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.
The mechanism of action of laser light on the hair follicle and hair
Permanent laser hair removal is based on the operation of the latest generation laser. The wavelength emitted by the laser is 1064 nm and penetrates up to 5-6 mm into the skin. So it only works on the surface, without affecting the body's functions. The laser emits a gentle beam of rays that penetrates the skin to the hair follicle, irreversibly destroying the hair bulb. Does not damage the skin!
Nd - Yag laser - a device that is a light source of various power - is characterized by monochromaticity (fixed wavelength), unidirectionality (does not scatter), selectivity of laser light (each length of the light beam "reads "other skin cells). In the case of the Nd-Yag laser, the active medium for the light source is NEODYMIO - YAG - synthetic diamond.
Hair does not grow at the same time. Some of them are in the growth phase (hair visible on the skin) and they react to the laser light. The remaining hair is in the "dormant" phase, which has a variable duration. After this period, the active stage of hair growth begins, therefore the treatments must be repeated a minimum of 4-6 times to remove most of the hair. The first treatment is preceded by an assessment of the skin condition by a doctor.
Three phases of hair growth
Not all hair grows at the same time, each hair goes through three phases of hair growth:
- active growth – anagen.
During the active growth phase, the hair shaft is produced. The time remaining in the anagen phase depends on the location of the hair. In the scalp it lasts 2-3 years, and in the armpit it lasts about 3 months.
- involution – catagen.
The catagen stage lasts several days, is a transitional phase and ends in the resting phase (telogen).
- resting (sleep) - telogen.
It lasts from several months on the face to several months on the thighs.
For the treatment to be successful, the presence of a hair shaft in the follicle is necessary. If other epilation methods were used, i.e. those that remove the stem from the follicle (wax, chemical epilation), wait at least 4 weeks after using the last one to grow more hair.
Excessive hair is:
It is excessive hair growth affecting all areas of the body, consisting of the transformation of follicular hair - thin and light, into terminal hair - dark and thick. Many factors may influence this process, including:
- personal predispositions,
- genetic conditions,
- ethnicity,
- age,
- gender
- medications used,
- sometimes excessive hair growth may be the result of diseases, mainly endocrine ones.
It is male-type hair in women and children. It is associated with an increased level of androgens (sex hormones found in high concentrations in men, in low concentrations in women) or excessive sensitivity of receptors to their action. Increased androgen levels occur in many endocrine diseases and may also be the result of the use of certain medications.
When removing the problem of excessive hair growth such as hirsutism, proper diagnosis and therapy are very important, often carried out by doctors of various specializations.
When are hair removal treatments used?
- to remove hair appearing on the skin in the course of endocrine disorders - hirsutism, hypertrichosis,
- for cosmetic purposes - all parts of the body,
- in people who experience symptoms of ingrowing hair after other hair removal methods
- in people with vascular lesions on the legs,
- in patients with sensitive skin who experience skin inflammation (redness) after waxing, shaving or chemical hair removal,
- treatments can be performed on men in case of skin hypersensitivity after shaving (hair thinning),
Laser hair removal - effects
Not all hair grows at the same time. Some of them are in the growth phase (anagen) - these are hairs visible on the skin. Only hair in the growth phase is damaged by laser light. The remaining hair is in the "dormant" phase (telogen), which has a variable duration (3-8 weeks). After this period, there is a growth phase (anagen), in which the hair can be actively destroyed again using a laser. Therefore, laser hair removal treatments must be repeated (approx. 4-6 times) to remove almost all the hair. During the first Fotona laser treatment, approximately 20%-30% of the hair is removed, and after a series of treatments, up to 90%. The remaining hair is much lighter, more delicate and almost invisible and usually does not bother patients. Due to previous depilation treatments performed with wax, mechanical epilator, tweezers, etc., or in the case of hormonal causes of excess hair, it may be necessary to perform more depilation treatments to obtain even better results, and then repeat them, e.g. once a year.

Contraindications to laser therapy:
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Pacemaker
- Bloathing disorders
- Epilepsy
- Vitiligo, psoriasis, lichen planus
- Skin inflammation (bacterial, viral and fungal)
- Allergic changes
- Cancer
- Tan (too much accumulated melanin absorbs a large dose of energy, which may cause skin discoloration). You should not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the procedure
- Tendency to discoloration
- Active viral or bacterial lesions on the skin
- Use of certain medications:
- Medicines that reduce blood clotting; anticoagulants, e.g. aspirin
- Steroids
- Photosensitizing drugs: some antibiotics, e.g. tetracycline, doxycycline, vitamin A derivatives, some cardiological drugs and others, e.g. furagine
- Use of some herbs: marigold, St. John's wort
- Using creams with retinol
- Peeling (stop using 1 week before the procedure)
- Depilation with wax and tweezers (do not remove about 2 weeks before the procedure)
Recommendations for the patient before laser hair removal treatment:
- Do not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before the procedure
- Do not use exfoliating treatments (peeling) for a week before the treatment
- Do not drink alcohol on the day of the procedure
- The treatment is performed on clean skin - it is to be washed, unlubricated and shaved
- Do not pull out your hair at least 4 weeks before the treatment
- Do not use depilatory creams 1 week before the procedure
- Do not use:
- Drugs that are allergic to the sun, e.g. anticoagulants, steroids and antibiotics - treatment no sooner than one week after completing the treatment, and then they can be used again 14 days after the treatment
- St. John's wort, marigold
- Cosmetics and exfoliating medicines – min. 1 week before the procedure
- Creams containing retinol, fruit acids, vitamin C, etc. At least 1 month before the procedure
- Slimming tea (e.g. figure 2)
After laser hair removal treatment:
- Rythema and swelling may occur after the treatment as a direct result, these symptoms disappear within a few hours or days
- After the treatment, it is recommended to use cold compresses
- Sunbathing should be avoided for at least 4 weeks
- Over the next few days, the ends of the hair are released from dead hair bulbs, it may look like regrowth
- Between subsequent laser hair removal treatments, do not use other hair removal methods (waxing, mechanical, chemical hair removal), the hair can be shaved
Recommendations for the patient after laser hair removal:
- It is not recommended to use a hot bath or sauna 14 days after the treatment
- It is not recommended to sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks after the treatment, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun
- Cosmetics can be used only 24 hours after the treatment, alcohol-based preparations should be avoided and skin moisturizing preparations should be used
- Apply allantan or bepanten cream 2-3 times a day
- Do not irritate the skin in the treatment area
- Do not use sun-sensitive medications
- Use protective creams with a +50 UV filter
- You should come for a follow-up visit after the procedure
Why do we remove hair with Nd:YAG and Er:YAG FOTONA SPECTRO SP lasers?
Fotona neodymium-jag Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers - are modern devices enabling a number of procedures in the field of surgery, dermatology and aesthetic medicine. The spectrum of applications is very wide, ranging from laser epilation, through acne treatment, photorejuvenation, to the treatment of skin cancer, removal of varicose veins and laser lipolysis procedures. The Spectro SP laser achieves maximum effects with a minimum depth of laser beam penetration. This laser is the ideal tool for fast, cold ablation.
The average power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 WAT. The competition doesn't even come close to this result. Thanks to this, treatments are performed much faster and more effective. In the hands of a doctor, this laser is an almost perfect tool.

Effective hair removal for all skin types:
Nd:YAG Laser Photons with long pulses is characterized by homogeneous penetration and low absorption by tissue chromophores. These two advantages allow the Nd:YAG laser to reach deeper structures without damaging the epidermis, regardless of skin type.
Innovation of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Fotona Spectro SP lasers
This laser is equipped with a number of innovative solutions such as EFC (impulse feedback control) - a system that provides a previously unavailable degree of control over the energy of the laser beam pulse. Thanks to each calibration of the device, the laser always provides a beam with precisely defined parameters, which increases the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Another innovation in Fotona Spectro SP lasers is the VSP system (variable square pulse - a patented solution) that allows the generation of a pulse with given parameters with a negligible rise and fall time of the pulse energy. This increases the efficiency of the laser beam and simultaneously improves the effectiveness and speed of treatment compared to other devices.
The Fotona Spectro SP laser, thanks to the highest power and advanced safety system, is the fastest and safest laser on the market.
The security of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
- EFC (impulse feedback control)
Thanks to this system, we avoid a decrease in laser power during the treatment, which could lead to weaker or incomplete results. We also do not have to worry about energy surges that may cause tissue damage.
- VSP (variable square pulse)
Unlike other systems, where there is a sudden jump in energy and then a slow decrease, in the Fotona Spectro SP system the pulse energy distribution is even. This protects us against overheating and tissue burns. It improves dramatically effectiveness and safety of treatments.
The effectiveness of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
The neodymium-Jag laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on the market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. High power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 Watts. The competition doesn't even come close to Siudo's result. Thanks to this, treatments performed with the Fotona Spectro SP system are much faster and more effective. With this laser system, all patient needs can be met, achieving excellent clinical results and unprecedented gentleness.