Varicose Vein Treatment CentreCentre for Aesthetic Medicine and Laser TherapyLiposuction and Body Shaping Centre



For the safety and comfort of our customers, our center uses devices based on the latest technologies - innovative, effective and completely safe.


laser removal of varicose veins

LASER REMOVAL OF varicose veins (EVLT) - endovenous laser therapy. Laser surgery of varicose veins using the EVLT method (EVLT - Endo Venous Laser Treatment) - endovenous laser therapy - replaces the classic surgical procedure (stripping). It was first used in the USA in 2002 after approval by the FDA. Due to the low invasiveness of the procedure, high effectiveness and great patient comfort during and after surgery, this method has become the most popular form of minimally invasive surgery for varicose veins. Any patient suffering from it can undergo treatment


NEW hemorrhoid removal with laser

Hemorrhoids, or varicose veins, are a common ailment that often bothers people - it is even called a lifestyle disease. In the United States, 1/3 of the population, i.e. about 75 million citizens, suffers from it, while in Poland the disease affects almost half of the population. Women and men, people of all ages, suffer from them. This disease also affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, e.g. professional drivers. Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoidal disease include excessive obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, chronic constipation and pregnancy (especially natural childbirth), as well as alcohol and coffee abuse and a poor diet.


laser closing of blood vessels (spider veins)

Small broken blood vessels, telangiectasia, venulectasia, and spider veins are often a serious aesthetic problem. Using appropriately selected laser energy and wavelength, you can selectively close unsightly blood vessels without damaging the surrounding skin. The treatment in our center is performed using a neodymium-jag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 1064nm. It is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on global markets, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.


Laserowe usuwanie naczyniaków

Professional removal of hemangioma without pain and complications with Nd:YAG laser. It is an effective and safe method of eliminating various vascular changes. Advanced Fotona Spectro SP technology allows for precise treatment, minimizing the risk of damage and ensuring rapid skin regeneration.


Laser removal of ruby lesions

Ruby hemangioma removal procedure using a Nd: YAG laser. It is a safe and painless procedure. Thanks to precise penetration at a relatively large depth under the skin, the laser is able to destroy large-diameter hemangioma, the structure of which is located in the deeper layers of the body.


laser removal of vascular erythema

Rumień naczyniowy – z uwagi na charakter jego budowy wymaga innego leczenia i podejścia terapeutycznego niż w przypadku popękanych naczynek. Rumień utworzony jest przez bardzo gęstą sieć włosowatych naczynek dających optyczny efekt zaczerwienienia skóry np. twarzy lub policzków. Naczynka gwałtownie się rozszerzają pod wpływem emocji, mrozu, ciepła, zrostu ciśnienia tętniczego.


Laser removal of discolorations and melasma

Przebarwienia są to brązowe plamy pojawiające się na twarzy u osób dorosłych, najczęściej występują na czole, policzkach, nosie. Często pojawiają się również przebarwienia nad ustami oraz wzdłuż żuchwy. Zmiany barwnikowe mają postać plam o kolorze od opalenizny do ciemno brązowych, rozmieszczonych zazwyczaj symetrycznie. Zmiany mają nieregularnie postrzępione granice. Plamy nie sprawiają dolegliwości i są wyłącznie defektem kosmetycznym. Przebarwienia powstają w wyniku nadmiernej produkcji barwnika ( melaniny ), przy prawidłowej ilości komórek wytwarzających barwnik ( melanocytów ).


laser reduction of stretch marks

Rozstępy ( striae distensae ) są to przebiegające równolegle, wrzecionowate pasma ścieńczałej, pomarszczonej skóry, początkowo wyniosłe, obrzękowe, następnie ulegające zanikowi. Ich pojawienie się z reguły bezobjawowe, ale może być połączone z delikatnym odczuciem świądu, rzadziej pieczenia i bólu. Rozstępy tworzą się na poziomie skóry właściwej, a ich powstanie wiąże się z upośledzeniem fibroblastów czyli komórek odpowiedzialnych za produkcję 2 rodzajów białek: kolagenu i elastyny. Białka te mają postać włókienkowatą, tworząc uporządkowaną sieć i nadając skórze elastyczność, jędrność, sprężystość oraz odpowiednie napięcie.


Laser removal of scars and acne scars

Blizna to tkanka łączna powstająca w procesie gojenia, która zastępuje tkankę uszkodzoną przez uraz lub chorobę. Powstaje w miejscu uszkodzenia skóry: jej budowa, struktura, zabarwienie i funkcja różni się od skóry zdrowej. Początkowo blizna jest zazwyczaj różowa, potem blednie, a ostatecznie przybiera perłową barwę. Z powodu braku w niej pierwotnego barwnika nie odzyskuje ona koloru normalnej skóry. Najbardziej widoczne, a przez szpecące są blizny płaszczyznowe, o nierównej powierzchni i zabarwieniu, powodujące czasami przykurcze. Kształt i rodzaj blizny zależny jest od wielu czynników.


Laser treatment of acne and rosacea

Trądzik ( łac. Acne vulgaris ) jest chorobą skóry, której początek występuje w wieku pokwitania, kiedy pod wpływem zmian hormonalnych dochodzi do nadmiernego pobudzenia czynności gruczołów łojowych. Ogranicza się zwykle do skóry twarzy, górnej części pleców i klatki piersiowej. Charakterystyczne zmiany to zaskórniki, grudki, krosty, torbiele ropne i blizny czyli potocznie mówiąc „wągry” i „pryszcze”. Trądzik przeważnie dotyczy młodzieży w wieku dojrzewania. Za powstanie trądzika odpowiedzialne są czynniki genetyczne, hormonalne i bakteryjne.


Piano - laser skin rejuvenation and collagen remodeling

Description of the procedure in preparation



Laser photorejuvenation with T3 technology is a more gentle method of regenerating our skin using light than laser dermabrasion and deep chemical peels. This treatment is a universal treatment because in one go it removes fine wrinkles, sun discolorations, freckles, dilated capillaries, facial erythema, enlarged pores and other effects of skin photodamage.


3D FRACTIONATION – deep skin lifting

3D fractionation is a unique treatment that allows for radical rejuvenation of the dermis. This is an innovative and extremely effective way of reducing wrinkles while firming and improving skin tension. The new revolutionary method PHOTONS 3D Fractionation creates thermal micro-damages deep in the skin. The resulting irritations consequently stimulate collagen and collagen fibers. Compared to the methods of classic ablative and non-ablative fractionation, these microdamages are created much deeper, so the effect we achieve will be stronger. This is the first non-ablative laser method for strong skin tightening - for skin lifting


Smooth fractionation - laser skin rejuvenation

Fractionation with SMOOTH ablation effect is minimal ablative skin smoothing. This modern treatment is performed with the Er:Yag Spectro SP laser, which causes light, controlled exfoliation of the epidermis and collagen reconstruction. In the Fotona SMOOTH mode, the laser energy is transmitted to the skin surface, without leading to deep ablation, and is further dispersed in the deeper tissue layers. The use of this treatment is recommended when the patient wants to achieve excellent skin firming and smoothing effects at the same time with minimal disruption of the epidermis layer. This treatment improves the appearance of the skin: evens out the color, reduces discoloration, smoothes the skin structure and narrows enlarged pores.


twinlight skin remodeling

This is a unique skin rejuvenation treatment. This remodeling is achieved using two Nd:Yag and Er:Yag Spectro SP laser beams in one session. The procedure consists of four stages: the first two are performed with the Nd:Yag laser (3D Fractionation and T3 Photorejuvenation), while the next two are fractionation using the Er:Yag laser. In this effective way, wrinkles can be reduced while firming and improving skin tone and tone.


Endolifting Fotona 4D - laserowy endolifting twarzy

Description of the procedure in preparation


laser removal of perioral and perioral wrinkles

The effect of the Fractional Foton Er:YAG SPECTRO SP laser is to remove wrinkles around the mouth and around the eyes. Laser peeling intended for delicate and thin skin removes fine wrinkles, sun damage and discoloration. It is a treatment aimed at improving the density, elasticity and tension of thin skin, making it smooth and luminous. Perioral epidermal regeneration treatments are particularly effective in treating smoking wrinkles, while perioral treatments are often used to treat crow's feet.


laser peeling – gentle mode

Laser peeling is a much more precise method in removing the top layer of skin than mechanical treatments (e.g. microdermabrasion) or chemical treatments (e.g. acids). The treatment rejuvenates the skin, improves its density and firmness, removes all scars, wrinkles, sun damage, enlarged pores and discolorations, and evens out the color. The skin becomes refreshed, tense and regains its lost radiance. This treatment is ideal when the patient requires the recovery period to be kept to a minimum and when the Nd:Yag laser rejuvenation treatment may not meet the patient's expectations


laser peeling - fractional

This innovative fractional laser peeling treatment is performed in our center using the Er:Yag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 2940nm. Photon erbium lasers use this wavelength for minimally ablative, rapid treatments that remove micronutrients from damaged tissue, resulting in a profound thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractional treatments leave thousands of trace elements in the skin, consisting of hot, dead remnants of the treated tissue. Excess heat from this tissue becomes trapped in the skin, causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. Fotona's fractionating head instantly removes hot tissue debris from the skin, reducing pain and speeding recovery.


resurfacing – deep peeling

Resurfacing is the most effective and deepest form of fractional peeling. It is intended for mature people with acne scars, discolorations, visible wrinkles and furrows, and sagging skin.


Laser treatment of snoring

So far, no pharmacological preparations have been invented to eliminate these ailments. If left untreated, snoring can gradually turn into a chronic and dangerous disease process, often leading to sleep apnea, and during the day to a chronic feeling of lack of sleep, concentration disorders, the development of cardiovascular diseases, decreased libido and depression. Snoring is a symptom of sleep-disordered breathing syndrome. It is a type of acoustic phenomenon that results from the vibrations of the flaccid parts of the throat - primarily the soft palate and uvula.


LASER TREATMENT for excessive sweating

Laser treatment of excessive sweating provides lasting results without the need for repeated treatments. A doctor qualifies you for laser treatments. It pays attention to discolorations and pigmented moles as well as the number, diameter, color and depth of skin lesions, and takes into account individual sensitivity, location and skin reaction. People qualified for the treatment undergo a laser test in order to optimally select the energy to obtain the best effect with the smallest amount.


laser lipolysis - permanent fat removal

Laser lipolysis is the best alternative to classic liposuction. Thanks to its high power and advanced safety systems, it is one of the fastest and safest medical laser systems and allows the removal of a significant amount of fat during the procedure. The treatment gives fantastic results in body shaping.


Fotona Laser - Laser body lifting - firming the sagging body

Description of the procedure in preparation


breast firming and rejuvenation

This modern treatment is performed with the Er:Yag Spectro SP laser, which causes light, controlled exfoliation of the epidermis and collagen reconstruction. In the Fotona SMOOTH mode, the laser energy is transmitted to the skin surface, without leading to deep ablation, and is further dispersed in the deeper tissue layers. The use of this treatment is recommended when the patient wants to achieve excellent skin firming and smoothing effects at the same time with minimal disruption of the epidermis layer.


Laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence incontilase

Description of the procedure in preparation


Intimalase - laser revitalization of the labia

Description of the procedure in preparation


Laser vaginal shrinkage

Description of the procedure in preparation


Laser whitening of the labia and intimate areas

Description of the procedure in preparation


laser hair removal

LASER HAIR REMOVAL (REMOVAL OF EXCESSIVE HAIR) Excessive body hair causes many complexes and frustrations. Removing hair using methods such as shaving, mechanical depilation or waxing gives short-term results, but is also expensive in the long term. Unwanted hair can be removed permanently and painlessly in our center. What do you gain by choosing laser hair removal? time for yourself (long-lasting effect without the need for weekly depilation or shaving of unwanted hair), convenience and comfort in every situation (smooth skin all the time), velvety skin every day...


laser removal of skin lesions

LASER REMOVAL OF SKIN LESIONS Anything that is not normal skin and skin structure can be called a skin lesion. Various types of skin marks may appear on the skin with age. There is a huge variety of them in terms of color, shape, size, convexity, type of surface, but above all, the type of cells that constitute them determines the action taken, which can be assessed primarily by histological examination. They may be cellular, pigmented, vascular, viral or other. Before starting treatment for skin moles, a medical consultation is necessary.


laser treatment of skin and nail fungus

LASER TREATMENT OF MYCOSIS OF THE SKIN AND NAILS Mycosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic fungi. The infection may be local or general. It is based on the area of infection that mycoses are divided into superficial or deep. In the first case, the disease affects the top layer of the skin and nails, in the second case it may even attack internal organs. The symptoms of mycosis are easy to recognize - in addition to skin lesions (e.g. cracks, flaking epidermis and inflammation), patients are exposed to unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning and pain.


Cryo 6 Derma Cooler - cooling with cold air

Cryo 6 Derma Cooler - cooling with cold air In our center, we use Cryo 6 Derma Cooler, which serves as a cooler, for all laser treatments. The constant temperature of the blown air, stable cooling of the skin and a long cooling range are perfect for laser treatments. Cooling the treatment area with cold air provides greater comfort and safety during the procedure. Cold air cooling the treatment area adapts to the shape of the body, cooling it without the risk of loss of power of the laser beam. The result of this technique...
