Anything that is not normal skin and skin structure can be called a skin lesion. Various types of skin marks may appear on the skin with age. There is a huge variety of them in terms of color, shape, size, convexity and type surface, but above all, the type of cells that constitute them determines the action taken, which can be assessed primarily by histological examination. They may be cellular, pigmented, vascular, viral or other. Before taking treatment of skin moles requires medical consultation. The assessment is difficult, but it is increasingly possible to detect dangerous moles, at risk of cancerous transformation, the rapid removal of which in many cases prevents the development of melanoma - one of the most malignant tumors.
Skin lesions of various origins can be effectively removed in our center using Er:Yag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 2940nm. Erbium photon lasers use this wavelength for minimal ablative effects quick treatments that remove trace elements of damaged tissue, resulting in a deep thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractional treatments leave thousands of micronutrients in the skin consisting of hot, dead residues treated tissue Excess heat from this tissue is trapped in the skin, causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. Fotona's fractionating head instantly removes hot tissue debris from the skin, reducing pain and speeding recovery. Clean microchannels have the same thermal impact zone as microchannels after non-ablative fractional treatment, but do not cause irritation, swelling or pain. After the treatment with a fractionating head, photons close the microchannels and heal much faster than in the case of classic non-ablative fractional techniques. The Fotona Spectro SP Er:YAG laser achieves maximum effects with a minimum depth of laser beam penetration. Spectro SP for fast, cold ablation. In XLP (extended pulse) mode, it provides the deepest thermal effects. This laser can ablate the epidermis or skin micron by micron, providing unrivaled precision and treatment control, short recovery periods and higher patient comfort and satisfaction. At the same time, Fotona Spectro SP, thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, is the fastest and safest laser on the market.
Types of skin lesions:
- Pigment moles - are congenital skin abnormalities that reveal themselves at different periods of life and undergo transformation under the influence of various factors, e.g. hormonal factors, UV radiation.
- Epidermal pigmented moles
- Flat moles - at the level of the skin, separated from the surroundings, do not cause any discomfort. They increase as the child grows. In the case of chronic irritation, they may be the starting point of a malignant skin cancer - melanoma. However, this happens very rarely.
- Lengigines - small, light or dark brown spots, well demarcated from the surroundings. They are usually plural. They most often affect the trunk and appear in childhood. They resemble freckles, but are slightly larger. Solar lentigines and senile appear under the influence of chronic exposure to sunlight or in the course of PUVA therapy, or in older people, usually with fair complexion, who are difficult to tan.
- Cellular pigmented nevi
- Blue moles - smooth, hairless moles, usually of small diameter, located quite deep in the skin, usually on the face and limbs. They range in color from light blue to black. They are safe.
- Congenital type of pigmented nevus - usually very large, sometimes with an uneven, warty surface, sometimes hairy. Although these features are considered safe, congenital moles often turn malignant.
- Keratinizations (senile and solar) – these are most often multiple yellow-brown lesions, having a dry, uneven surface, closely adhering to the skin. They lie at the level of the surrounding skin or are only slightly raised. They arise as a result of chronic sun damage or senile skin. They are located mainly on the face and other exposed areas (e.g. auricles, backs of hands, forearms, lower legs). They occur mainly in people over 40 years of age. Keratosis can become a starting point for skin cancer.
- Fibroids – benign tumors of connective tissue origin.
- Soft fibromas – they are congenital, but may appear at any age. These are sac-like, hanging nodules, usually numerous, skin-colored or slightly darker, brownish. They are especially often located on the neck and back of the neck, especially in older women. Characteristic of Recklinghausen's disease.
- Hard fibromas - they are essentially a fibrous reaction, they occur regardless of age. Usually single, smaller and more often located on the limbs. They appear in middle and older age.
- Lipomas – these are nodules of subcutaneous fat tissue of various sizes. They are movable in relation to the ground. They often occur in many places at the same time, most often in young or middle-aged women, and are the result of focal hypertrophies adipose tissue cells forming nodules or tumors, sometimes with a large surface area. Lesions occur mainly on the trunk, neck, buttocks, forearms and arms. They do not pose an oncological threat, but they can grow and cause pressure and discomfort.
- Atheromas – these are epidermoid cysts. They arise as a result of stagnation of secretions in the hair follicles of the sebaceous glands. It consists of a bag and a white, porridge-like content filling it with a characteristic unpleasant odor. Size semen may range from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The location is very diverse. Most often, they are located on the scalp, the back of the face, and the scrotum. The changes can be big. The skin is changed inflammation, sometimes there is a plug resembling a blackhead at the top.
- Seborrheic (senile) warts - classified as epidermal nevi, they are in fact benign flat, raised, verrucous epidermal tumors with a skin color of up to brown shades. Most often located on the trunk, face and back cancer. They appear in adulthood and older people. The spread of very numerous lesions on the trunk can sometimes be a predictor of cancer of internal organs, and in some cases of gastrointestinal cancer or other cancers.
- Common warts - these are epidermal lumps with an uneven surface and a size of 5-10 mm, most often located on the skin of the hands, on the fingers, on the nail folds, sometimes under the nail plate. They are associated with HPV-2 infection, as well as HPV-4 and HPV-7.
- Petal warts – are located on the sole of the feet, have a rough surface and skin color, and can reach 1-2 cm in size. They are of two types: diffuse, deep (mymercia) or more superficial, confluent into clusters, creating the so-called mosaic warts. Mymercia warts are often painful and may make walking difficult. The causative agent of mymercia is the HPV-1 virus, mosaic warts are caused by HPV-2.
- Flat warts (juvenile warts) - they are slightly raised, have a smooth surface and are several millimeters in size, sometimes they are linear at the scratch site. They appear on the face and the dorsal surface of the hands as multiple lumps with a smooth surface and gray color. The pathogenesis of flat warts is associated with HPV-3 viruses, less frequently HPV-10.
- Transitional warts – eruptions that have some features of common warts and flat warts. Occurs in immunocompromised patients.
- Granular granuloma – hemangioma associated with neoplasia of capillaries, caused by trauma and/or bacterial infection. The lump is usually single, bluish red, with a moist, easily bleeding surface and a pedunculated appearance. It shows rapid growth. They often appear in pregnant women or as a complication of oral isotretinoin therapy. It is most often located on the face and hands. Change is painful.
- Yellow tufts (xanthomas) - pale yellowish lumps located most often around the eyelids, most often seen in middle-aged or older people. Most often, they develop initially on the upper eyelids, usually slightly later the lower ones, are often asymmetrical - larger on one side. They are usually associated with the deposition of cholesterol in the skin
What does the laser removal of skin lesions look like
Contraindications to laser therapy:
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Pacemaker
- Bloathing disorders
- Epilepsy
- Some skin diseases (rosacea, vitiligo, psoriasis, allergenic lesions) if skin lesions are exposed to direct action of laser rays
- Tan (too much accumulated melanin absorbs a large dose of energy, which may cause skin discoloration). You should not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the procedure
- Tendency to discoloration
- Active viral or bacterial lesions on the skin
- Use of certain medicines:
- Medicines that reduce blood clotting; anticoagulants, e.g. aspirin
- Steroids
- Photosensitizing drugs: some antibiotics, e.g. tetracycline, doxycycline, vitamin A derivatives, some cardiological drugs and others, e.g. furagine
- Use of some herbs: marigold, St. John's wort
- Using creams with retinol
Effects of the treatment

Recommendations for the patient before laser removal of skin lesions:
- Do not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before the procedure
- Do not use exfoliating treatments (peeling) for a week before the treatment
- If you use drugs: anticoagulants, steroids, photosensitizing drugs, they should be discontinued (if possible) 7 days before the procedure, and then they can be used again 14 days after the procedure
- Shave the skin with a razor 1 day before the procedure, do not depilate the hair with wax, chemicals or pluck it with tweezers
- Do not drink alcohol on the day of the procedure
- The treatment is performed on clean skin (cosmetics should be washed off before the treatment)
For a few days after the procedure:
- Do not use soap, spirit or alcohol-based tonics
- Do not perform peelings or other treatments
- Do not wipe the areas after treatment with a sponge or towel
- Do not irritate the skin in the treatment area
Recommendations for the patient after laser removal of skin lesions:
- It is not recommended to use a hot bath or sauna 14 days after the treatment
- It is not recommended to sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks after the treatment
- It is not recommended to perform intense physical exercise. for 7 days after the procedure
- For facial treatments, use creams with a filter of at least SPF 30 for 4 weeks after the treatment
- Cosmetics can be used only 24 hours after the treatment, alcohol-based preparations should be avoided and skin moisturizing preparations should be used
- When closing a large number of vessels on the legs, it is recommended to wear compression stockings for a few days after the procedure
- You should come for a follow-up visit after the procedure
Why do we remove skin lesions with the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG FOTONA SPECTRO SP laser?
Fotona neodymium-jag Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers - are modern devices enabling a number of procedures in the field of surgery, dermatology and aesthetic medicine. The spectrum of applications is very wide, ranging from laser epilation, through acne treatment, photorejuvenation, to the treatment of skin cancer, removal of varicose veins and laser lipolysis procedures. The Spectro SP laser achieves maximum effects with a minimum depth of laser beam penetration. This laser is the ideal tool for fast, cold ablation. Photona's Variable Square Pulse (VSP) technology adjusts laser parameters to suit the treatment, ensuring ease of use. Square pulses can treat a variety of indications with unparalleled effectiveness, without overheating adjacent tissues, thus ensuring patient comfort. Additionally, built-in pulse feedback control (EFC) technology ensures that the laser output energy is always consistent with the parameters set for the patient, thus ensuring the highest level of system safety and reliability.
The average power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 WAT. The competition doesn't even come close to this result. Thanks to this, treatments are performed much faster and more effective. In the hands of a doctor, this laser is an almost perfect tool.
Effective removal of skin lesions for all skin types:
The Spectro SP laser is the most powerful combination of an Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser. It provides the widest range of ablative and non-ablative treatments that a single laser system can offer. Nd:YAG Photons laser, which is part of this laser, with long pulses is characterized by homogeneous penetration and low absorption by tissue chromophores. These two advantages allow the Nd:YAG laser to reach deeper structures without damaging the epidermis, regardless of skin type.
Innovation of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Fotona Spectro SP lasers
This laser is equipped with a number of innovative solutions such as EFC (impulse feedback control) - a system that provides a previously unavailable degree of control over the energy of the laser beam pulse. Thanks to each calibration of the device, the laser always provides a beam with precisely defined parameters, which increases the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Another innovative feature of Fotona Spectro SP lasers is the VSP system (variable square pulse – protected solution patent) allowing the generation of a pulse with given parameters with a negligibly short rise and fall time of the pulse energy. This increases the efficiency of the laser beam and simultaneously improves the effectiveness and speed of treatment compared to other devices.
Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety system, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.
The security of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
- EFC (impulse feedback control)
Thanks to this system, we avoid a decrease in laser power during the treatment, which could lead to weaker or incomplete results. We also do not have to worry about energy surges that may cause tissue damage.
- VSP (variable square pulse)
Unlike other systems, where there is a sudden jump in energy and then a slow decrease, in the Fotona Spectro SP system the pulse energy distribution is even. This protects us against overheating and tissue burns. It improves dramatically effectiveness and safety of treatments.
The effectiveness of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
The Fotona Spectro SP laser, thanks to the combination of two laser beam wavelengths: Nd:YAG - 1064nm and Er:YAG - 2940nm, offers the widest range of treatment services among all those available on the Polish market. The neodymium-Jag laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on the market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels hidden deep under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. High power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 Watts. The competition doesn't even come close to Siudo's result. Using the 2940nm wave, for minimally ablative quick treatments that remove microelements of damaged tissue, resulting in a deep thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractional treatments leave thousands of trace elements in the skin, consisting of hot, dead remnants of the treated tissue. Excess heat from this tissue becomes trapped in the skin, causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. The Fotona head immediately removes hot tissue residues from the skin, reducing pain and accelerating recovery. Clean microchannels have the same thermal impact zone as microchannels after non-ablative fractional treatment, but do not cause irritation, swelling or pain. After treatment with the Fractional Photon head, the microchannels close and heal much faster than in the case of classic non-ablative fractional techniques. Thanks to this, treatments performed with the Fotona Spectro SP system are much faster and more effective. With this laser system, all patient needs can be met, achieving excellent clinical results and unprecedented gentleness.