Varicose Vein Treatment CentreCentre for Aesthetic Medicine and Laser TherapyLiposuction and Body Shaping Centre


Discolorations  are brown spots that appear on the face in adults, most often on the forehead, cheeks and nose. Discoloration also often appears above the lips and along the jaw. Pigmented lesions take the form of spots ranging from tan to dark brown, usually arranged symmetrically. The lesions have irregularly jagged borders. The spots do not cause any discomfort and are only a cosmetic defect. Discolorations occur as a result of excessive production of pigment (melanin) with the correct number of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes). Melanocytes are located in the lower layer of the epidermis. During chemical reactions, they have the ability to transform a colorless substrate - tyrosine - into a brown pigment - melanin. It is collected in granules called melanosomes that transport the dye to the surrounding epidermal cells (caratinocytes). Then the dye travels with the epidermis cells to its surface, where it is exfoliated in the stratum corneum. The color of the discoloration depends on the amount of melanin produced. Discolorations most often appear in women, only 10% of men suffer from this condition, and darker skin color is a factor contributing to their formation. The exact cause of discoloration is unknown. Brown spots most often appear in people who have been exposed to the sun intensively. It is worth remembering that the amount of solar energy absorbed accumulates in the skin over the years. Sunburn as a child affects the appearance of your skin as an adult. Another factor contributing to the development of discoloration are hormonal changes, both physiological (pregnancy) and those caused by taking contraceptive pills. Discoloration under the eyes and above the upper lip may be related to adrenal gland diseases. The cause may also be fragrance compounds (bergamot oil) - preservatives contained in cosmetics and soaps. Some discolorations disappear spontaneously, e.g. after pregnancy, others remain for many years. If we start treating discolorations, the first element of the treatment strategy should be the use of creams with high filters (at least SPF 50), in addition, you can use whitening creams available in pharmacies at home.

Removal of discolorations above the lips and in other parts of the face

If the discolorations still do not disappear, they can be effectively removed in our beauty salon using the Er:Yag laser fromFotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 2940nm. Photon erbium lasers use this wavelength for minimally ablative, rapid treatments that remove micronutrients from damaged tissue, resulting in a profound thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractional treatments leave thousands of trace elements in the skin, consisting of hot, dead remains of the treated tissue. Excess heat from this tissue is trapped in the skin, causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. Fotona's fractionating head instantly removes hot tissue debris from the skin, reducing pain and speeding recovery. Clean microchannels have the same thermal impact zone as microchannels after non-ablative fractional treatment, but do not cause irritation, swelling or pain. After the treatment with the Fotona fractionating head, the microchannels close and heal much faster than in the case of classic non-ablative fractional techniques. The Er:YAG Fotona Spectro SP laser achieves maximum effects with a minimum depth of laser beam penetration. Spectro SP  for fast, cold ablation. In XLP (extended pulse) mode, it provides the deepest thermal effects. This laser can ablate the epidermis or skin micron by micron, ensuring unrivaled precision and treatment control, short recovery periods and higher patient comfort and satisfaction. At the same time,  Fotona Spectro SP, thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

How does a laser work?

The laser light is absorbed by the pigment melanin, which is present in excess in "discolorations". When the cells containing them reach a sufficiently high temperature, they are destroyed and the lesions become darker than their original, slightly grayish color. Up to two weeks after the treatment, they peel off leaving no trace. In many cases, several treatments need to be performed.

Types of discoloration:

Congenital pigment changes

Acquired pigment changes

Discolorations are divided into:

Contraindications to laser therapy:

Recommendations for the patient before laser removal of discolorations:

For a few days after the procedure:

Recommendations for the patient after laser removal of discolorations:

Things to know about discoloration:

Why do we remove discolorations with the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG FOTONA SPECTRO SP laser?

Fotona neodymium-jag Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers - are modern devices enabling a number of procedures in the field of surgery, dermatology and aesthetic medicine. The spectrum of applications is very wide, ranging from laser epilation, through acne treatment, photorejuvenation, to the treatment of skin cancer, removal of varicose veins and laser lipolysis procedures. The Spectro SP laser achieves maximum effects with a minimum depth of laser beam penetration. This laser is the ideal tool for fast, cold ablation. Photona's Variable Square Pulse (VSP) technology adjusts laser parameters to suit the treatment, ensuring ease of use. Square pulses can treat a variety of indications with unparalleled efficiency, without overheating adjacent tissues, thus ensuring patient comfort. Additionally, built-in pulse feedback control (EFC) technology ensures that the laser output energy is always consistent with the parameters set for the patient, thus ensuring the highest level of safety and reliability of the system.

The average power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 WAT. The competition doesn't even come close to this result. Thanks to this, treatments are performed much faster and more effective. In the hands of a doctor, this laser is an almost perfect tool.

Effective removal of discolorations for all skin types:

The Spectro SP laser is the most powerful combination of an Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser. It provides the widest range of ablative and non-ablative treatments that a single laser system can offer. The Nd:YAG photon laser, which is part of this laser, with long pulses is characterized by homogeneous penetration and low absorption by tissue chromophores. These two advantages allow the Nd:YAG laser to reach deeper structures without damaging the epidermis, regardless of skin type.

Innovation of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Fotona Spectro SP lasers

This laser is equipped with a number of innovative solutions such as EFC (impulse feedback control) - a system that provides a previously unavailable degree of control over the energy of the laser beam pulse. Thanks to each calibration of the device, the laser always provides a beam with precisely defined parameters, which increases the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Another innovation in Fotona Spectro SP lasers is the VSP system (variable square pulse - a patented solution) that allows the generation of a pulse with given parameters with a negligible rise and fall time of the pulse energy. This increases the efficiency of the laser beam, and at the same time improves the effectiveness and speed of treatment compared to other devices.

The Fotona Spectro SP laser, thanks to the highest power and advanced safety system, is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

The security of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:

Thanks to this system, we avoid a decrease in laser power during the treatment, which could lead to weaker or incomplete results. We also do not have to worry about energy surges that may cause tissue damage.

Unlike other systems, where there is a sudden jump in energy and then a slow decrease, in the Fotona Spectro SP system the pulse energy distribution is even. This protects us against overheating and tissue burns. At the same time, the effectiveness and safety of treatments radically improve.

The effectiveness of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:

The Fotona Spectro SP laser, thanks to the combination of two wavelengths of the laser beam: Nd:YAG - 1064nm and Er:YAG - 2940nm, has the widest range of treatment services among all those available on the Polish market. The neodymium-Jag laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on the market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels hidden deep under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. High power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 Watts. The competition doesn't even come close to Siudo's result. Using the 2940nm wave, for minimally ablative quick treatments that remove microelements of damaged tissue, resulting in a deep thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractional treatments leave thousands of trace elements in the skin, consisting of hot, dead remnants of the treated tissue. Excess heat from this tissue becomes trapped in the skin, causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. The Fotona head immediately removes hot tissue residues from the skin, reducing pain and accelerating recovery. Clean microchannels have the same thermal impact zone as microchannels after non-ablative fractional treatment, but do not cause irritation, swelling or pain. After treatment with a fractionating Photon head, the microchannels close and heal much faster than in the case of classic non-ablative fractional techniques. Thanks to this, treatments performed with the Fotona Spectro SP system are much faster and more effective. With this laser system, all patient needs can be met, achieving excellent clinical results and unprecedented gentleness.

Price of treatment
From PLN 100