Varicose Vein Treatment CentreCentre for Aesthetic Medicine and Laser TherapyLiposuction and Body Shaping Centre


Abdominal liposuction is a popular aesthetic medicine procedure that removes excess fat from the abdominal area. It is an effective method for body shaping, which allows for the reduction of abdominal fat, especially in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. Although liposuction is not a way to lose weight, it is an effective solution for people who want to improve the appearance of their body and gain a more defined figure.

Abdominal liposuction methods - which one is the most effective?

Currently, there are several methods of abdominal liposuction available, which differ in technology and degree of invasiveness. The most popular techniques are: classic liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction, laser liposuction, water liposuction and N.I.L. infrasound liposuction.

The most modern and effective is abdominal liposuction using the N.I.L. infrasound method.

The NIL (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture) method, or infrasound liposuction, is a modern technique for removing fat tissue that uses infrasound to facilitate the liposuction process. During this procedure, a special cannula inserted under the skin performs nutational movements, i.e. oscillatory, rotational and vibratory movements, which are supported by low-frequency infrasound (16 Hz). Thanks to this, fat tissue is effectively separated from the surrounding tissues and removed more easily.

At the Bellazone Clinic, as one of the few in Poland, we use the latest and highest model of the N.I.L. Liposuction systems. – Eva SP6 equipped with the most technologically advanced EVAMATIC 5 head – which premiered in spring 2017.

Why is NIL abdominal liposuction better than other methods?

Abdominal liposuction

Effects of Abdominal Liposuction

Below we present the effects of abdominal liposuction.

Dr S. Houyoux
Abdominal liposuction before the procedure
Abdominal liposuction after surgery
after 6 months
before abdominal liposuction
after abdominal liposuction
before abdominal liposuction
effects after abdominal liposuction
Dr H. Mekle
belly before abdominal liposuction
belly after abdominal liposuction
Dr. Hossam Tahseen
Abdominal liposuction - before the procedure
Abdominal liposuction - after the procedure
Dr H. Mekle
patient before abdominal liposuction
patient after abdominal liposuction
Dr H. Mekle
Abdominal liposuction - abdomen before the procedure
Abdominal liposuction - abdomen after the procedure
Dr H. Mekle
Abdominal liposuction - before the procedure
Abdominal liposuction - after the procedure

Preparing for liposuction – Endermology Alliance LPG

Liposuction is not a method for losing weight or reducing weight. It is an excellent solution for people struggling with local accumulation of fat tissue in specific parts of the body, the so-called local obesity. The best effects are achieved in patients with elastic skin, although people with less firm skin can also benefit from N.I.L. liposuction.

In cases where excess fat tissue occurs together with skin laxity or its damage, e.g. scars or stretch marks, liposuction is combined (or preceded) with other therapies. These include, for example, Exilis Elite BTL radiofrequency and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Before the procedure, each patient should undergo preparation, i.e. Endermology Alliance LPG therapy (lipomassager), which affects the body in three areas:

  • 1. Reduces localized, difficult-to-remove fat tissue,
  • 2. Smoothes cellulite,
  • 3. Firms the skin, stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Modern Endermology Alliance techniques, used before liposuction, improve the condition of tissues and reduce fibrosis. After the procedure, they support the healing process, reduce swelling and bruising. The first Endermology procedure can be performed already 3 days after liposuction, and optimally should be performed 3 times a week.

It is also possible to perform manual massages instead of Endermology Alliance LPG.

preparation for abdominal liposuction

How to prepare for abdominal liposuction?

Before the procedure, a medical consultation is always required, during which the area to be treated and the difficulty of its execution will be determined. Additionally, laboratory tests are necessary (no earlier than 7 days before the planned date of the procedure):

Additionally, before the procedure, the patient should fast for at least 6 hours, and 10 days before the planned procedure date, discontinue all medications that interfere with blood clotting (e.g. aspirin).

Indications for abdominal liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is recommended for people who:

  • Have an accumulation of fat tissue in the abdominal area that has not been reduced through diet and exercise.
  • Have good overall health, but struggle with local excess fat.
  • Want to improve the contours of their figure, especially in the abdominal area.

Contraindications for abdominal liposuction

Not everyone can undergo abdominal liposuction. The most important contraindications include:

What is the recovery period like after abdominal liposuction?

After abdominal liposuction, the patient may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the area subjected to liposuction. Depending on the liposuction method, recovery can last from a few days to a few weeks. Post-procedure recommendations include:

The first effects of abdominal liposuction are visible after a few weeks, while the final result can be assessed after a few months, when all swelling has disappeared.

Is abdominal liposuction safe?

Abdominal liposuction is a safe procedure, provided it is performed by an experienced surgeon in appropriate clinical conditions. Modern liposuction methods, such as laser or ultrasound, are less invasive and have a lower risk of complications. The key safety factor is the appropriate qualification of the patient and their preparation for the procedure.

In summary, abdominal liposuction is an effective method of body shaping, which allows for the reduction of abdominal fat. There are many liposuction methods, and the choice of the most appropriate one depends on the individual needs of the patient. Although abdominal liposuction carries some risk, with proper medical care and following the doctor's recommendations, it is a safe and effective procedure that improves the appearance of the body.


Liposuction is not a method of weight loss or weight reduction. This is an ideal solution for people with a problem limited to specific anatomical areas – so-called local obesity. The best results are achieved in patients with elastic skin.

The effect of liposuction is permanent – ​​the sucked-out tissue will not regenerate and the area of ​​sucked-out fat tissue will no longer accumulate excess fat – which does not protect against weight gain but only ensures that the achieved proportions are maintained.

Treatment price
From 2500zł