Varicose Vein Treatment CentreCentre for Aesthetic Medicine and Laser TherapyLiposuction and Body Shaping Centre


RED TOUCH PRO Laser - a device for performing treatments

Ruby hemangiomas are benign skin lesions that appear as a result of a circulatory system disorder. They are only a few millimeters in size and appear as small lumps with a characteristic red color. They arise as a result of blood vessel growth under the thin skin surface. Such imperfections occupy the surface of the skin and usually take the form of small spots or red lumps. Such lesions most often appear on the face, arms, and torso.

Ruby spots

Ruby hemangioma - causes of formation:

RED TOUCH PRO Laser - a device for performing treatmentsThe first ruby ​​hemangiomas can be observed on the skin of women and men after the age of thirty, but their increased number is noted only at the age of 60-70. The exact causes of their formation have not been identified yet, but we know that the occurrence of ruby ​​hemangiomas is associated with too rapid growth of blood vessels under the skin's surface. The process of their formation is very dynamic, which is why these changes can be seen on the skin even within a few days.

Factors predisposing to the development of senile hemangiomas include:

  • genetic background;
  • excessive exposure of the body to UV radiation;
  • circulatory system disorders;
  • hormonal disorders (pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as menopause);
  • incorrect diet rich in large amounts of coffee, alcohol and hot spices;
  • liver diseases;
  • chronic stress.
  • Aging processes

Liquidation of ruby ​​spots

For the treatment of hemangiomas, we use the Nd: YAG laser, a neodymium-YAG laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a wavelength of 1064nm. This is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on the world market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to its homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Thanks to its highest power and advanced safety systems, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

How does the laser work?

The principle of operation of the Fotona laser is based on the process of photothermolysis. During the therapy, the emitted light energy is absorbed by the blood pigment (hemoglobin) and then converted into heat. Due to the high temperature, the water in the tissue is evaporated, while the vessels are absorbed and coagulated, and later absorbed by the body. The Fotona Nd:Yag laser beam penetrates deep into the tissue, effectively delivering its energy to both large and small blood vessels. The long, variable, square pulse of the Fotona Nd:Yag laser is most effective in treating larger, deeper vessels, and is also extremely effective in treating small, shallow lesions. The Fotona Spectro Sp Nd:Yag 1064 nm laser is the best wavelength for this type of treatment. Immediately after the treatment, the skin in a given area may be slightly red. However, the effect of vessel absorption is very fast. Additionally, the Zimmer Cryo 6 point cooling system is used during the treatment to reduce heat discomfort (cooling temperature approx. -35°C).

Contraindications to laser therapy:

Recommendations for the patient before the laser treatment of ruby ​​lesions:

For a few days after the procedure:

Innovation of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Fotona Spectro SP lasers:

This laser has been equipped with a number of innovative solutions such as EFC (pulse feedback control) - a system that provides a previously unavailable degree of control over the energy of the laser beam pulse. Thanks to each calibration of the device, the laser always delivers a beam with precisely defined parameters, which increases the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Another innovative system in Fotona Spectro SP lasers is the VSP system (variable square pulse - a patent-protected solution) that allows for the generation of a pulse with given parameters with a negligible rise and fall time of the pulse energy. This increases the efficiency of the laser beam, while improving the effectiveness and speed of treatment compared to other devices.

Thanks to its highest power and advanced safety system, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

The safety of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:

EFC (pulse feedback control)

Thanks to this system, we avoid a drop in laser power during the procedure, which could lead to weaker or incomplete effects. We also do not have to worry about energy spikes that can cause tissue damage. p>

VSP (variable square pulse)

Unlike other systems, where there is a sudden energy spike and then a slow drop, in the Fotona Spectro SP system the distribution of pulse energy is even. This protects us from overheating and burning tissues. At the same time, the effectiveness and safety of the procedures are radically improved.

The effectiveness of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:

The 1064 nm NdFeB laser is the most deeply penetrating laser beam available on the market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to its homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. The high power in the quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 W. The competition does not even come close to Siudo's result. Thanks to this, treatments performed with the Fotona Spectro SP system are much faster and more effective. With this laser system, you can meet all the needs of patients, achieving great clinical results and unprecedented gentleness.

Price of the treatment
From PLN 50