Mycosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic fungi. The infection may be local or general.
It is based on the area of infection that mycoses are divided into superficial or deep. In the first case, the disease affects the top layer of the skin and nails, in the second case it may even attack internal organs. Symptoms of mycosis are easy to recognize - in addition to skin lesions (e.g. cracks, peeling epidermis and inflammation), patients are exposed to unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning and pain. If left untreated for a long time, mycosis may leave scars, and sometimes even leads to local necrosis.
In our center, we use an innovative laser treatment method to effectively treat skin and nail fungus. We use the only Nd: YAG laser available for this type of treatment, a neodymium-jag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a length light wave 1064nm. It is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on global markets, thanks to which it can destroy large diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to its homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market. This therapy involves radiation nail plate and tissues surrounding the laser beam. The treatment is simple, quick and gradually removes the fungal infection without any side effects or complications. It is good to perform 5 treatments at 3-4 day intervals.
FOTONA lasers are modern devices enabling a number of procedures in the field of aesthetic dermatology, surgery and aesthetic medicine.
Causes of mycosis
Healthy skin has the appropriate thickness of the lipid coat and properly exfoliating epidermal cells, which effectively removes fungi. Disturbance of defense mechanisms causes them to anchor and grow in the epidermis, hair or nails. The skin is red, dry, begins to crack and itch. We most often suffer from athlete's foot. It occurs in 15-30% of the population, and in the environment of athletes and miners even 70%. Fungi are responsible for mycosis of the skin, hair and nails from the genus of dermatophytes, for their candidiasis - yeast-like fungi that cause candidiasis of the mucous membranes and pityriasis versicolor. Molds cause infections of mucous membranes and skin. In general, debilitated people are particularly at risk immune system. Therefore, it often attacks people who have undergone antibiotic therapy or suffer from diseases that weaken the immune system - e.g., mycosis is a highly infectious disease. We can become infected with it very easily - in places where it occurs fungi (e.g. at the swimming pool) or directly from other people (this applies to e.g. vaginal and penis mycosis). Fungi grow in a warm and humid environment. Therefore, one of the most popular varieties of this disease is athlete's foot. For the same reason, mushrooms also feel great in all skin folds.
Types of mycosis
Both the occurrence of symptoms and the recommended treatment depend on the type of mycosis. Depending on the site of inflammation and the type of fungus, the disease may take a completely different form.
Athlete's foot
This type of mycosis is definitely the most popular, although at the same time we are most warned about it. Athlete's foot can actually be considered a lifestyle disease. It is easiest to get infected in public places where it's wet and warm, and many people go barefoot. Showers at swimming pools or gyms are the clear leader. Popular places of infection are also all types of rooms where barefoot sports are practiced (judo, karate, gymnastics). etc.).
Symptoms of athlete's foot include blisters, cracks and crusts on the bottom of the foot and between the toes. They are accompanied by severe itching and burning caused by peeling and irritation of the epidermis.
Only appropriate antifungal drugs will allow you to permanently get rid of the problem. Additionally, it is worth paying attention to hygiene issues and prevention to avoid troublesome recurrences of the disease.

Hand fungus
The most common cause of athlete's foot (commonly called athlete's foot) is a secondary infection, most often from the feet. Therefore, this type of mycosis very often affects only the right hand (in right-handed people).
Treatment of athlete's foot is based on the same methods as in the case of feet. An additional difficulty is the increased risk of infecting other people and spreading inflammation to other parts of the body.
Nail fungus
This type of mycosis most often accompanies other types of disease. The diseased nail becomes discolored and damaged. Keratinization of the epidermis occurs.
In addition to the use of oral and topical antifungal drugs, the development of nail fungus can also be limited by surgical removal of diseased tissue, and most often the entire nail.
Mycosis of the scalp
- earworm - attacking the entire surface of the scalp, leading to hair destruction, causing an unpleasant odor and leaving scars
- mycosis microspore - occurring mainly in children and adolescents, spreading relatively quickly due to its high degree of infectiousness
- mycosis fungus - damaging the hair of the head and beard, characterized by lesions of exfoliated epidermis
Recommendations for patients suffering from mycosis:
- the skin should be washed with cosmetics that do not damage the skin's lipid layer
- After washing your feet, carefully wipe the skin between your toes
- repeated use of the same towels should be limited
- wear appropriate footwear: comfortable - does not cause abrasions, airy - prevents heat and moisture, we do not lend shoes
- Flip-flops should be worn in the swimming pool or in the sauna
What does the laser treatment of mycosis look like
Contraindications to laser therapy:
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Pacemaker
- Bloathing disorders
- Epilepsy
- Tan (too much accumulated melanin absorbs a large dose of energy, which may cause skin discoloration). You should not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the procedure
- Tendency to discoloration
- Active viral or bacterial lesions on the skin
- Use of certain medications:
- Medicines that reduce blood clotting; anticoagulants, e.g. aspirin
- Steroids
- Photosensitizing drugs: some antibiotics, e.g. tetracycline, doxycycline, vitamin A derivatives, some cardiological drugs and others, e.g. furagine
- Use of some herbs: marigold, St. John's wort
- Using creams with retinol
Recommendations for the patient before laser treatment of skin and nail fungus:
- Do not sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks before the procedure
- Do not use exfoliating treatments (peeling) for a week before the treatment
- If you use drugs: anticoagulants, steroids, photosensitizing drugs, they should be discontinued (if possible) 7 days before the procedure, and then they can be used again 14 days after the procedure
- Do not drink alcohol on the day of the procedure
- The treatment is performed on clean skin (cosmetics should be washed off before the treatment)
Recommendations for the patient after laser treatment of skin and nail fungus:
- It is not recommended to use a hot bath or sauna 14 days after the treatment
- It is not recommended to sunbathe (sun, solarium) for 4 weeks after the treatment
- It is not recommended to perform intense physical exercise for 7 days after the procedure
- Cosmetics can be used only 24 hours after the treatment, alcohol-based preparations should be avoided and skin moisturizing preparations should be used
- You should come for a follow-up visit after the procedure
Why do we treat skin and nail fungus with Nd:YAG and Er:YAG FOTONA SPECTRO SP lasers?
Fotona neodymium-jag Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers - are modern devices enabling a number of procedures in the field of surgery, dermatology and aesthetic medicine. The spectrum of applications is very wide, ranging from: from laser epilation, through acne treatment, photorejuvenation, to skin cancer treatment, removal of varicose veins and laser lipolysis procedures. The Spectro SP laser achieves maximum effects with minimum beam penetration depth laser. This laser is the ideal tool for fast, cold ablation.
The average power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 WAT. The competition doesn't even come close to this result. Thanks to this, treatments are performed much faster and more effective. In the hands of a doctor, this laser is an almost perfect tool.
Effective treatment of mycosis of all skin types:
Nd:YAG Laser Photons with long pulses is characterized by homogeneous penetration and low absorption by tissue chromophores. These two advantages allow the Nd:YAG laser to reach deeper structures without damaging the epidermis, regardless of skin type.

Innovation of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers Fotona Spectro SP:
This laser is equipped with a number of innovative solutions such as EFC (impulse feedback control) - a system that provides a previously unavailable level of control over the energy of the laser beam pulse. Thanks to each time the device is calibrated the laser always delivers a beam with precisely defined parameters, which increases the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Another innovative feature of Fotona Spectro SP lasers is the VSP system (variable square pulse – protected solution patent) allowing the generation of a pulse with given parameters with a negligibly short rise and fall time of the pulse energy. This increases the efficiency of the laser beam and simultaneously improves the effectiveness and speed of treatment compared to other devices.
Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety system, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.
The security of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
- EFC (impulse feedback control)
Thanks to this system, we avoid a decrease in laser power during the treatment, which could lead to weaker or incomplete results. We also do not have to worry about energy surges that may cause tissue damage.
- VSP (variable square pulse)
Unlike other systems, where there is a sudden jump in energy and then a slow decrease, in the Fotona Spectro SP system the pulse energy distribution is even. This protects us against overheating and tissue burns. It improves dramatically effectiveness and safety of treatments.
The effectiveness of the Fotona Spectro SP system is:
The neodymium-Jag laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on the market, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very a wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. High power in quasi-continuous pulse mode is 30 Watts. The competition doesn't even come close to Siudo's result. Thanks to this, treatments performed with the Fotona Spectro SP system are possible much faster and more effective. With this laser system, all patient needs can be met, achieving excellent clinical results and unprecedented gentleness.