

laser closing of blood vessels (spider veins)
Small broken blood vessels, telangiectasia, venulectasia, and spider veins are often a serious aesthetic problem. Using appropriately selected laser energy and wavelength, you can selectively close unsightly blood vessels without damaging the surrounding skin. The treatment in our center is performed using a neodymium-jag laser from Fotona Spectro SP with a light wavelength of 1064nm. It is the deepest penetrating laser beam available on global markets, thanks to which it can destroy large-diameter vessels deeply hidden under the skin. At the same time, thanks to homogeneous penetration, it has a very wide range of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Thanks to the highest power and advanced safety systems, the Fotona Spectro SP laser is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

Laser hemangiomas removal
Description of the procedure in preparation

Laser removal of ruby changes
Description of the procedure in preparation

laser removal of vascular erythema
Vascular erythema - due to the nature of its structure, it requires a different treatment and therapeutic approach than in the case of broken capillaries. Erythema is formed by a very dense network of capillaries that give the optical effect of reddening the skin, e.g. of the face or cheeks. The blood vessels dilate rapidly under the influence of emotions, frost, heat and increased blood pressure.

Laser removal of discolorations and melasma
Discolorations are brown spots that appear on the face of adults, most often on the forehead, cheeks and nose. Discoloration also often appears above the lips and along the jaw. Pigmented lesions take the form of spots ranging from tan to dark brown, usually arranged symmetrically. The lesions have irregularly jagged borders. The spots do not cause any discomfort and are only a cosmetic defect. Discolorations occur as a result of excessive production of pigment (melanin) with the correct number of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes).

Laser treatment of acne and rosacea
Acne (Latin: Acne vulgaris) is a skin disease that begins at puberty, when hormonal changes result in excessive stimulation of the sebaceous glands. It is usually limited to the skin of the face, upper back and chest. Characteristic changes include blackheads, papules, pustules, pus cysts and scars, i.e. "blackheads" and "pimples". Acne usually affects adolescents. Genetic, hormonal and bacterial factors are responsible for the development of acne.

laser treatment of skin and nail fungus
LASER TREATMENT OF MYCOSIS OF THE SKIN AND NAILS Mycosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic fungi. The infection may be local or general. It is based on the area of infection that mycoses are divided into superficial or deep. In the first case, the disease affects the top layer of the skin and nails, in the second case it may even attack internal organs. The symptoms of mycosis are easy to recognize - in addition to skin lesions (e.g. cracks, flaking epidermis and inflammation), patients are exposed to unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning and pain.

laser removal of skin lesions
LASER REMOVAL OF SKIN LESIONS Anything that is not normal skin and skin structure can be called a skin lesion. Various types of skin marks may appear on the skin with age. There is a huge variety of them in terms of color, shape, size, convexity, type of surface, but above all, the type of cells that constitute them determines the action taken, which can be assessed primarily by histological examination. They may be cellular, pigmented, vascular, viral or other. Before starting treatment for skin moles, a medical consultation is necessary.

Led light therapy Dermalux Triwave lamp - mild acne, severe acne, rosacea, erythema, discoloration
Description of the procedure in preparation

Led light therapy Dermalux Triwave lamp - therapy for skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, allergic reaction, treatment of burns
Description of the procedure in preparation